
GPD WINニュース - アップデート版準備中?


1/10以降にGPD WINがアップデートされる?なんじゃそりゃ?






Firstly, it improves the silicone pads of cross key and function keys A, B, X, Y.

This time we employ the best molded silicone within the industry, it feels smooth and elastic. This silicone pad’s mechanical strength, staying power, tension and flexibility are the best in the industry. It is much better than the previous silicone pad, and it is the best rebound feel since XD.

Moreover, the latest silicone pad has its own positioning holes, which makes it easier for the factory to assemble, so the probability of function keys to make mistakes will be decreased sharply.
「まず、十字キー・ABXYボタンのシリコンパッドが改良される」とのことです。「the best molded silicone within the industry」と何やら大袈裟ですが、強度・テンション・柔軟性が向上しているとのこと。

「GPD XD以来最高のフィーリング」みたいなこと言ってますが、GPD WINのパッドはXD未満という自覚あったんですかね・・・?XD持ってないし、GPD WINのパッドに不満を持ったことが無いのでこの感覚はよくわかりませんが。UMPCオタクとしては気にならなくてもゲーマー目線だと芳しくなかったのかもしれません。




Secondly, it improves the metal dome of the keyboard, which is the metal shrapnel under the keyboard.

For the previous keyboard, you have little feeling when press it down. When you press it, you don’t know the impact of the degree of strength to the input, as the keyboard only gives the feedback to your fingers about a blur message: which means you indeed pressed down this button. If you wish to know whether it is being input, you need to know it by looking at the screen. Also, when pressing the keyboard down by the fingers, the reaction of screen input is quite slow, which results in the impossible to do fast input. This time we have improved the metal dome, which improves the hand feeling dramatically. The reaction signal is clear, and the screen’s input responding speed is very fast.






Thirdly, it updates the firmware, which will improve the cross key and functional keys’ responding speed of the gamepad.

Previously because of considering the impact given by the shake, the designs of cross key and functional keys were too conservative. As a result of this, when playing fighting games the responding speed was too slow, which were way more slower than the joysticks of WIN. This time the update of firmware has improved the responding speed of cross key and functional keys, with the latest silicone pads, the hand feeling of gamepad has improved a lot with its quality.


1. It optimizes the moving speed logic of the mouse mode.
2. It optimizes the delay problem of the left joystick wheel mode under the mouse mode.
3. It optimizes the keys response speed under gamdpad mode.




Fourthly, under the mouse mod, if you hold the joystick at one direction for a long time, the pointer of the mouse will increase the speed, and the general sensitivity of the mouse has increased dramatically.

Previously under the mouse mode, if you want to accelerate the movement of the pointer, you need to adjust the moving speed of the mouse under setting of the system. But this way has a drawback, the moving speed of the pointer is too fast, so the location is not precise. This time we have a huge improvement, the initial of the pointer’s moving speed remains the same, however if you press the joystick for a long time, and pointer will accelerate which decreases the time for moving speed. What’s more, it has increased the position’s accuracy of the pointer.


ただ、これも上記@__mkさんのツイートを読む限り、公開済みアップデートにおける「It optimizes the moving speed logic of the mouse mode.」だと思われるので、ハードウェアの構造変更ではなくファームウェアアップデートのことっぽいです。

既存GPD WINはどうなる?

というわけで新ロットからハードウェア構造まで含めて改良が入ることになったGPD WINですが、現行モデルユーザーとして気になるのは「更新できるのか?」というところ。

ファームウェアによる改善、つまりパッドの応答速度とスティックの動作改善については、既存GPD WINでも享受できる、というより上記アップデートにより現時点でも適用可能だと思われます。

ハードウェアの改善は当然部品の交換が必要になるわけですが、GPD WINの公式ショップではスペアパーツも扱っているので、換装可能な変更であればパーツ単位で購入できるかもしれません。






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